Television Programs:
A Better Life with Paul Sain
Adventures with Chip
Fabric of Family with Barry Gilreath, Jr. and guests – Click here to view episodes of Fabric of Family.
Preaching the Gospel with James Watkins and Cliff Goodwin
Searching the Scriptures with Cliff Goodwin
Speaking the Truth in Love with Paul Sain
Tom’s Pastime Porch with Tom Holland
Voices from the Past
What Does the Bible Teach with David Sain – Click here to view episodes of What Does the Bible Teach?
Beauty of Salvation by Tom Holland (a three part series)
Church Discipline by Garland Elkins
Don’t Ever Give Up by Bob Spurlin
Fighting a Wasp by Tom Holland
Gospel Lessons by B.J. Clarke
Gospel Lessons by Garland Elkins
Growing in Faith and Knowledge by David Sain
Searching for the Lord’s Church by David Sain
Silencing of God Series by Dave Miller
Tom’s Pastime Porch Live Taping with Tom Holland
The Quran & New Testament Christianity: A Seminar on Islam by Dave Miller (a three part series)